• Mining vs. Harvesting in Academic Writing

    Updated: 2011-11-27 05:49:23
    I sometimes get annoyed at books by established scholars. Where most junior scholars cite heavily when making theoretical claims, established scholars often seem to feel little need to cite theory (although they will cite empirical claims). But even more annoying, where most junior scholars make a point and then move on, established scholars often seem [...]

  • ACLS Publishes 2011 Haskins Prize Lecture by Henry Glassie in Print and Video [Free Online]

    Updated: 2011-11-23 18:14:53
    The American Council of Learned Societies (ACLS) has published the textual and video versions of the 2011 Haskins Prize Lecture by Henry Glassie, College Professor of Folklore Emeritus at Indiana University Bloomington. “Named for the first chairman of ACLS, the Charles Homer Haskins Prize Lecture has as its theme “A Life of Learning.” The lecturer [...]

  • Oliva Clinic Hyderabad: Super Hair Reduction - Dr. Rajetha Damisetty, Additional Medical Director of Oliva http://bit.ly/rsSTcV

    Updated: 2011-11-21 13:49:24

  • Oliva Clinic Hyderabad: Visia Skin Analysis - Oliva Advanced Hair & Skin Clinic http://goo.gl/IgSCN

    Updated: 2011-11-21 13:39:20

  • #Occupy Academia

    Updated: 2011-11-20 09:38:47
    A month ago, due to a lack of news about how the #occupy movement was affecting the universities, I posted an open thread that got very little response. Well, what a month it’s been! Within a few weeks #occupyharvard and #occupyberkeley made the news. Especially notable was the use of violence against peaceful protesters at [...]

  • Here is the Preview of "Hau. Journal of Ethnographic Theory" - New Open Access Journal

    Updated: 2011-11-20 01:09:26
    . antropologi.info social and cultural anthropology in the news Blogroll Nordisk auf Deutsch Journals Bulletin Board Search Guestbook Contact 20 11 11 02:09:26, by Lorenz Categories : Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing anthropology general Here is the Preview of Hau . Journal of Ethnographic Theory New Open Access Journal It’s Open Access , Copy Left , and Peer Reviewed : Hau . Journal of Ethnographic Theory Only ten days left , then the first issue will be available online . Yesterday , the preview table of contents of the inaugural issue was posted at http : haujournal.org By drawing out its potential to critically engage and challenge Western cosmological assumptions and conceptual determinations , HAU aims to provide an exciting new arena for evaluating ethnography as a

  • On “The Future of AAA Publishing: A Forum for Discussion” #aaa2011

    Updated: 2011-11-18 00:48:56
    Dear Anthropologists, How we publish our scholarship impacts how we teach and do research. It affects how we are evaluated. It has direct consequences on life in contemporary communities, including those that ethnographers, linguists, and biological anthropologists study (with) and those who live next to, or possess a connection to, the archaeological sites that we [...]

  • AAA in Montreal: Open Thread

    Updated: 2011-11-17 23:34:16
    So what’s going down at this year’s AAA meeting in Montreal?  What are YOU up to?  What panels are looking good?  What are people talking about?  Any big debates heating up?  Any amazingly fantastic talks so far?  Have you met your anthropological hero?  How’s the food in the city?  Who’s there?  Are the elevators crowded?  [...]

  • Open Access Discussions at #AAA2011 and @savageminds

    Updated: 2011-11-16 04:45:33
    One last thanks to Ryan Anderson for his interview with me on open access issues. The final third was published today on Savage Minds. I hope that it proves useful to someone. The timing of the interview is great because I will be party to a couple discussions of scholarly communications issues at the American [...]

  • Updated overview over anthropology blogs and their newest posts

    Updated: 2011-11-15 14:56:16
    antropologi.info social and cultural anthropology in the news Blogroll Nordisk auf Deutsch Journals Bulletin Board Search Guestbook Contact 15 11 11 15:56:16, by Lorenz Categories : Open Access Anthropology and Knowledge Sharing aboriginees anthropology general Updated overview over anthropology blogs and their newest posts Nearly every hour an anthropologist somewhere on this planet publishes a blog post in English . The antropologi.info overviews over the newest blog posts in English are now updated with several new blogs . I’ve also removed some blogs that haven’t been updated for a while and tried to fix some . bugs It’s not the edited overview with hand picked posts that Greg Downey at Neuroanthropology is looking for though and I hope will be realised somehow in the near future as

  • Around the Web digest

    Updated: 2011-11-14 02:03:18
    Each month we do a round up of weblinks, current events, and anthropologists in the news that were originally broadcast daily (or at least in semi-reliable fashion) via @savageminds. Here’s a sampling of what we were reading in October. If you’ve seen someting around the web that you want to share with the Savage Minds [...]

  • Beyond the Body Proper: AAA Panel in Honour of the Work of Margaret Lock by Erin Koch

    Updated: 2011-11-11 22:07:07
    AAA Panel in Honour of the Work of Margaret Lock P. Sean Brotherton and Vinh-Kim Nguyen have organized a session at the upcoming AAA Meetings in honour of the work of Margaret Lock. “Beyond the Body Proper: Biopolitics and Biocontingencies” is an Invited Session sponsored by the Society for Medical Anthropology. The panel will take place on Thursday November 17,…

  • Open Access Interview Part Two @savageminds

    Updated: 2011-11-11 16:10:04
    Thanks again to Ryan Anderson for working with me on an interview exploring the basic issues relating to open access in anthropology and folklore. The second part of three has now been published on Savage Minds. As always I appreciate Savage Minds for hosting such considerations of these issues. Filed under: Academic LIfe, American Anthropological [...]

  • Curiously Weak DRM (in University Press-Hosted Companion Websites)

    Updated: 2011-11-08 16:21:55
    I was just scouting out a new academic book of interest to me using Google Books. I was able to browse chapters, study the table of contents etc. The book is published by one of the largest of the university presses. It can also be browsed in Amazon.com. On a subject where audio and video [...]

  • Interview on Open Access @savageminds

    Updated: 2011-11-07 15:59:29
    Thank you very much to anthropologist Ryan Anderson for inviting me to do an interview on open access issues in anthropology. He has begun publishing it on Savage Minds and re-broadcasting it on his weblog ethnografix. Ryan is also one of the organizers of the online anthropology magazine anthropologies. The current issue focuses on Appalachia [...]

  • Interesting concept for a journal

    Updated: 2011-11-05 15:38:56
    Spotted at Downtown Books & News, Asheville, NC – The Rejected Quarterly, fine literature rejected at least five times. Interesting idea that may or may not play out in the sciences. Still, you gotta love the moxie. I guess the proof is in the pudding: I didn’t actually buy it. Went with Creative Nonfiction, #42, [...]

  • Anthropologist: "Stop the abuse of migrants at the U.S. - Mexican boder!"

    Updated: 2011-11-03 13:33:55
    : . antropologi.info social and cultural anthropology in the news Blogroll Nordisk auf Deutsch Journals Bulletin Board Search Guestbook Contact 03 11 11 14:33:55, by Lorenz Categories : politics Us and Them Northern America migration Anthropologist : Stop the abuse of migrants at the U.S . Mexican boder They beat children and adults during apprehensions and in custody , they deny people with life-threatening medical conditions treatment , separate family members and confiscate their belongings . We were held with another woman who was coughing so badly that she threw up violently , over and over . The others in the cell called for help . An officer came over and said , Que se muera Let her die Two months ago anthropologists Rachel Stonecipher Sarah Willen alerted the public on the Access

  • Amira: Culture and Cognitive Science | Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/culture-cogsci/

    Updated: 2011-11-02 22:43:26

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Oct 2011